WebRTC Samples > WebRTC Virtual Background

The goal of this sample is to let you choose a virtual background while you’re publishing the WebRTC stream. Select one out of three backgrounds or upload your own to see how your Ant Media Server stream with a background will look like. 

  1. Allow access to your camera and microphone.
  2. Click “Start Publishing” button below and Select a background.
  3. Click “Play with WebRTC” button that should automatically appear above to play the stream with a virtual background in a new tab.

How to create a streaming service like that?

Did you love our sample above and want to create a streaming service or simply add streaming features with this quality into your existing products? 

For developers:  Re-use source code for all examples above. Make sure to check out our documentation, Youtube tutorials and Github discussions.

For non-technical people:  If you don’t know how to code, please use our AWS Streaming Wizard. This is our tool that we create a streaming service at scale for you. It means that your streaming service will be set up to automatically scales its infrastructure up in response to increased viewer demand, ensuring optimal performance during peak times. Conversely, it can scale down efficiently during periods of lower demand, allowing for cost savings.

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