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Ant Media Team have been working hard and trying to release new version frequently. The version 1.5.1 has been released with important features. This version includes Auto-Scaling, Object Detection Feature, One-Time Token Control Services, Improvements & Compatibility on Web Panel and Bug Fixes. Let us have a look at these new features.

    Improved Auto-Scaling

    Ant Media Server supports clustering for RTMP and HLS playback in version 1.3. Right now WebRTC streams can scale as well in the cluster with the new version.  The origin server can stream WebRTC streams to edge servers in the cluster and edge servers can stream WebRTC streams to clients.  One of the important points is that Ant Media Server translates the incoming WebRTC or RTMP stream to multi-bitrate in Origin Server and stream multi-bitrate to edge servers so that WebRTC players receive the best quality according to their network speed.


    Auto-Scaling Architecture

    As new Ant Media Server instances started in DB Based Cluster mode, they are automatically added to the cluster. You can check nodes from the Management Console.


    Object Detection

    The TensorFlow Object Detection API is now embedded in version 1.5.1. TensorFlow is an open source library developed by Google Brain team and provides strong support for machine learning and deep learning. It can be deployed to various platforms such as CPUs, GPUs, TPUs, and from desktops to clusters of servers to mobile and edge devices.



    The streams -even live streams- have been processed according to the model file. Detected objects are saved as screenshots. Object name (person, chopper, dog, etc.) and probability values are also saved into the application database. Users can easily follow them from the management panel. Developers can also use REST API to perform operations related to object detection.

    One-Time Token Control

    Ant Media Server now supports One-Time Token control. The blog post has been published about the steps of the token control operations. Please see this blog for details. To use this service, settings should be enabled from the control panel. The server then controls token validity not only in publishing but also in playing/accessing resources.

    new version management_panel

    Ant Media Server evaluates based on its properties to secure your streams. Whether it is valid for the requested stream or not is controlled. Another important control process is checking the type of the token. Because the developer or administrator may give access to a user to play a stream but not publish to this stream even with the same streamId.
    Once the token is successfully validated by Ant Media Server, then it is removed from the database so that other requests with the same token will be dismissed. Since consecutive requests are sent during playing/accessing streams, the session information saved after the one-time token is consumed.

    Web panel Improvements, Software Quality etc.

    There are a couple of additional Web UI improvements, bug-fixes, and source code quality process update in Ant Media Server. Sonar Cloud is now being used for Static Code Testing and Coverage Analysis. Travis and Gitlab are being used for Continuous Integration and Cintinuous Deployment purposes. Each commit of Ant Media Server is tested for the quality gate and CI/CD.



    For any questions about this new version please feel free to contact us via

    Categories: Announcement

    Burak Kekeç

    Burak has been a Software Developer at Ant Media since its beginning in 2017. Overall he has 16 years of expertise in software development experience with C, C++, Java EE, and Android.

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