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Configuring STUN addresses

There are some limitations in AWS Wavelength Zones regarding getting ICE candidates. In order to resolve this issue, Ant Media provides free-to-use STUN servers that are reachable in AWS Wavelength Zones. There are a couple of instances are running behind address.

If you use Ant Media 2.4.4 and above, please see section "Configuring for Ant Media 2.4.4 and later versions."

How to use custom STUN servers

Configure the Ant Media Server

1. Assume that you're using WebRTCAppEE, open the following file /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/WebRTCAppEE/WEB-INF/

2. Add the following property

3. Save the file and restart the Ant Media Server.

sudo service antmedia restart

Configure the client side

1. Open the html files under /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/WebRTCAppEE

2. Find the lines below

var pc_config = {
'iceServers' : [ {
'urls' : ''
} ]

Replace them with the following

var pc_config = {
'iceServers' : [ {
'urls' : ''
} ]

Save the files. You don't need to restart the Ant Media Server.

Configure a custom TURN server in the Android SDK.

Open the file and go to the init function. There is a line that adds stunServerUri to ice servers.

iceServers.add(new PeerConnection.IceServer(stunServerUri));

Replace this line with: 


Configure a custom TURN server in the IOS SDK.

Open the Config.swift file, go to the createConfiguration function. There is a line that adds stunServerUri to ice servers. 

let configuration = Config.createConfiguration(server: stunServer)

Replace this function with:

static func createConfiguration(server: RTCIceServer) ->` RTCConfiguration { 
let config = RTCConfiguration.init()
let iceServerNew = RTCIceServer.init(urlStrings: [your_server], username: "your_username", credential: "your_password")
config.iceServers = [server, iceServerNew]
return config

Configure a custom TURN server in the JavaScript SDK.

var pc_config =
'iceServers': [
'urls': ''
'urls': 'TURN_IP:3478',
'username': 'username',
'credential': 'passsword'

var webRTCAdaptor = new WebRTCAdaptor({
peerconnection_config: pc_config,
// other options

Configure a custom TURN server in the Embeded Player.

sudo nano /usr/local/antmedia/{APP_NAME}/js/videojs-webrtc-plugin.js

Edit the peerconnection_config variable By adding your TURN Server Configuration

this.peerconnection_config = {
'iceServers': [{
'urls': ''
'urls': 'turn:TURN_IP:3478',
'username': 'username',
'credential': 'password'

sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan'

Configure a custom TURN server in the Flutter SDK.

List<Map<String, String>> iceServers = [
{'url': ''},
'urls': 'turn:TURN_IP:3478',
'username': 'username',
'credential': 'password'

//other options,

Configuring for Ant Media 2.4.4 and later versions

Ant Media Server v2.4.4 and later versions support adding a TURN server for the serve side. In order to do that, follow the instructions below.

Edit your application's configuration file (/usr/local/antmedia/webapps/{YOUR_APP_FOLDER}/WEB-INF/ with your favorite text editor, and add the following properties to this file:


Save the file and restart the Ant Media Server:

sudo service antmedia restart

You can set a custom STUN server to the following property **settings.webrtc.stunServerURI**. Make sure not to forget to start with stun: prefix. If you don't have a username or password, you can leave the fields blank.

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