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Decreasing the boot time

In this post, we are going to guide you to increase your system performance.

To reduce the system boot time, you are may follow the 3 simple steps below.

1. You should analyze well which services you will disable here, otherwise, your system may be negatively affected. First, let's check how long your system has booted with the systemd-analyze command. This command shows you how long each service will open.

root@antmedia:~# systemd-analyze 
Startup finished in 7.741s (kernel) + 26.704s (userspace) = 34.446s reached after 7.381s in userspace

 Our system was opened in a total of 34.4 seconds. Let's check out why userspace takes so long. You are able to use the following command for this.

systemd-analyze blame

11.041s apt-daily.service
6.842s apt-daily-upgrade.service
2.484s cloud-init-local.service
1.610s cloud-init.service
1.096s systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
1.027s motd-news.service
865ms cloud-config.service
668ms snapd.service
650ms dev-sda1.device
580ms fstrim.service
560ms cloud-final.service
539ms networkd-dispatcher.service
511ms lxd-containers.service
382ms systemd-timesyncd.service
321ms accounts-daemon.service
170ms grub-common.service
161ms keyboard-setup.service
156ms systemd-modules-load.service
147ms polkit.service
136ms systemd-journald.service
135ms systemd-resolved.service
129ms snapd.apparmor.service
121ms apparmor.service
120ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
114ms ssh.service

You are able to disable the services you didn't use according to the output above.

For instance, I disable the following services on a server where I don't use cloud structure.

sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.service
sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.timer
sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled
sudo systemctl disable motd-news

 The result is below.

root@antmedia:~# systemd-analyze 
Startup finished in 7.672s (kernel) + 2.252s (userspace) = 9.925s reached after 2.242s in userspace

 2. By default, your system grub gives you a time of 10 seconds to select between operating systems on a dual boot system.

Edit the following line.

vim /etc/default/grub

 Change the GRUB_TIMEOUT line as follows.


Then run the following command.


 3. If you really need as much performance as possible, you can do one of two things: Use a GUI-less server installation or run the server in run level 3.

sudo systemctl set-default
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