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Upgrading Ant Media Server

This guide will explain how to upgrade Ant Media Server from an earlier version to latest version.

  • If you have purchased a license from Ant Media, then in the downloads section of your account, you can download the most recent version zip file. 
  • In the case of Ant Media Server's Marketplace image on AWS, Azure, and Alibaba, you can send an email to and ask for the new version zip file.
  • In case of Ant Media Server Community Edition, you can download the latest version zip file from here.

After downloading the zip file, kindly follow the below steps:

1. Download the installation script

Download shell script with the latest changes.


sudo wget && sudo chmod 755

2. Run the installation script to upgrade the server

If you want to keep the settings from the previous installation, you must add the "-r true" flag at the end of the command.


sudo ./ -i <ANT_MEDIA_SERVER_ZIP_FILE> -r true

For change/release logs of new version, please check here.

How do I restore Ant Media Server if needed?

Last but not least, when you make a fresh installation or upgrade over an older version, the previous installation will be backed up in the /usr/local directory with a timestamp value like antmedia-backup-2022-11-18_15-42-54. Now, in order to restore the previous installation, kindly follow the below commands:


sudo systemctl stop antmedia
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/antmedia
sudo cp -p -R /usr/local/antmedia-backup_folder/ /usr/local/antmedia
sudo chown -R antmedia:antmedia /usr/local/antmedia/
sudo systemctl start antmedia
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