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WebRTC publishing

Ant Media Server can ingest your streams with WebRTC to make sure that you deliver a real-time streaming experience with minimal latency.

Note: For WebRTC publishing, please ensure that UDP ports 50000-60000 are open on your firewall.

For more information on changing the port range, see here.

Steps for WebRTC publishing:

In the Enterprise Edition, go to https://your domain name:5443/WebRTCAppEEor https://your domain name:5443/WebRTCApp in the Community Edition.

If you have Ant Media Server installed on your local machine, you can also go to http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE in the Enterprise Edition or http://localhost:5080/WebRTCApp in the Community Edition.

Input the stream id

The random stream Id is generated by default every time a page is opened, but you can enter your own. Then click the Start Publishing button. After pressing the button, the text Publishing should blink.

Congratulations! You're now using WebRTC to publish to Ant Media Server from your browser!

By clicking on Options on the sample page, you can also change the Max Video Bitrate and Audio/Video Source.

Learn more about playing this stream with WebRTC to complete the loop and stream with ~0.5-Second latency.

Quick Link: Learn How to Play with WebRTC.

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