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Media Push Plugin

Media Push Plugin can stream everything on the given web page with video and audio in realtime.


1. Broadcast the whole web page

You can broadcast the whole web page with video and audio in realtime.

2. Record the broadcast if needed

You can record the broadcast if needed. But you need to start the recording manually with REST Api or on Ant Media Server Dashboard.

How to Install

Install Google Chrome 108

  1. Remove your existing Google Chrome installation

    sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable
  2. Media Push Plugin uses Google Chrome 108 to broadcast the web page. So you need to install Google Chrome 108 to your server. You can install it on Ubuntu with the following commands.

    wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/chrome.deb
    sudo apt install -y /tmp/chrome.deb
    rm /tmp/chrome.deb
  3. Disable Google Chrome auto update

    sudo apt-mark hold google-chrome-stable
  4. Download the pre-built media-push-plugin.jar file

  5. Copy the webpage-recording-plugin.jar file to plugins directory under /usr/local/antmedia

    sudo cp webpage-recording-plugin.jar /usr/local/antmedia/plugins
  6. Restart the service

    sudo service antmedia restart

Optional: How to add Media Push Page

  1. Download the media_push.html file

  2. Copy the media_push.html file into directory under '/usr/local/antmedia/webapps/{your-webapp-name}/'

    sudo cp media_push.html /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/<your-webapp-name>/media_push.html

How to Use

Media Push Plugin have REST API to control the plugin.

  • Start the broadcast

Call the REST Method below to let Ant Media Server broadcast the web page. You should pass the url of the web page and can pass streamId as query parameter you wanted to use as a parameter.

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept: Application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/rest/v1/media-push/start" -d '{"url": "", "width": 1280, "height": 720}'
  • Stop the broadcast

Call the REST Method below to let Ant Media Server with the stream id you specified in the start method.

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept: Application/json" "http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/rest/v1/media-push/stop/{streamId}"
  • Send javascript command to a webpage with given stream id

Call the REST Method below to let Ant Media Server with the stream id you specified in the start method. You should pass the javascript command in the body.

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept: Application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/rest/v1/media-push/send-command?streamId={streamId}"  -d '{"jsCommand": "{javascript_command_which_is_executed}"}'

How to Build from Source Code

  • Media Push Plugin uses Google Chrome 108 to broadcast the web page. So you need to install Google Chrome 108 to your server. You can install it on Ubuntu with the following commands.

    sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable
    wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/chrome.deb
    sudo apt install -y /tmp/chrome.deb
    rm /tmp/chrome.deb
    sudo apt-mark hold google-chrome-stable
  • Clone the repository

    git clone
  • Go to the Media Push Plugin directory

    cd Plugins/MediaPushPlugin
  • Modify the file with your Ant Media Server installation path

    Change AMS_DIR=/usr/local/antmedia/
  • Build & install the plugin

    chmode +x
  • Restart Ant Media Server

    sudo service antmedia restart

How to Customize

You can modify the code and build the plugin by yourself to make it work with your own needs. For example, you can play the video or login to the web page with your own credentials before starting the broadcast. Go to the MediaPushPlugin and modify the customModification method as you wish. Then build the plugin with the following command.

chmode +x
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