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This guide describes how to install and set up Ant Media Server on a Microsoft Azure Marketplace  Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine instance. Microsoft Azure is a cloud-computing platform that virtualizes computing resources as virtual machines.

Step 1- Sign up for Microsoft Azure

You should subscribe to Microsoft Azure before using Ant Media Server on Microsoft Azure. If you’re new to Microsoft Azure, Microsoft offers a free 30-day and 200$ trial so you can try it out. You should use a Microsoft account to subscribe to Azure or to try out the 30-day Azure Preview.

Click and Subscribe to Microsoft Azure

To get started using Ant Media Server for Microsoft Azure, sign in to the Azure Management Portal using your Microsoft account. The portal enables you to create and manage your Azure Marketplace cloud resources, such as websites, virtual machines, and storage accounts, from a web browser. After you get started, the portal will be your home to configure, monitor, and scale your resources

Sign in to the Azure Management Portal

Step 2- Create Virtual Instance on Azure Portal

From the Azure portal, click on +Create a Resource, and then choose an Ant Media Server Community Version or Enterprise Version in like below image.

Azure Marketplace install Ant Media Server

Step 3 (Advanced)- Add Ant Media Server Usage Ports on Azure Marketplace

When you select Ant Media Server versions on Marketplace, Server ports default added. But If you change ports number or add new ports, click on +Networking – Create New

Azure Marketplace Add or Change Port Setting

In order to server run properly you need to open some network ports. Here are the ports server uses

Ant Media Server Default Ports

  • TCP:1935 (RTMP)
  • TCP:5080 (HTTP)
  • TCP:5443 (HTTPS)
  • TCP:5554 (RTSP)
  • UDP:5000-65000 (WebRTC and RTSP)

Azure Marketplace Create Network Group

Finally;  After setting Disk space, Region, Port Settings and etc configuration, you can create the instance by pressing create and review.

After creating the instance, wait for installation and check browser http://serverIp:5080

Please keep in touch if you have any question. We will be happy if we can help you.

Also, Join Google Group and be a part of Ant Media Server!

Categories: Tutorial

Selim Emre Toy

Highly motivated full-stack developer with 6 years of experience especially in Java and Angular. Constantly learning, passionate about solving complex problems. Proficient in various programming languages and technologies. Enjoys finding creative solutions to challenges.

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