Try Live Demo

We are pleased to present to you in this blog post a guide to easily install Ant Media Server without the need for downloading or uploading the installation files.

Previously, before this feature was available, you had to download the community version from GitHub or the Enterprise version from your account at

However, now you can easily perform these actions with just a single command using the installation script.

So, without further ado, lets get started!

1. Download the new installation

Download the new installation script from GitHub to your server using the following command:

wget -O

2. Provide execution permission

Now make the installation script executable:

chmod +x

3. Execute the Script

Run the installation script passing the license key you received via email as a parameter.

sudo ./ -l 'your-license-key'

If you have a valid license key, the installation process will begin.

easy install 1

For the community version, you can simply run the script without any parameters:

sudo ./

4. Create the First User

Once the installation is complete, you can access Ant Media Server by navigating to the following URL in your browser: http://server-ip-address:5080 and create the first user.

Ant Media Server Create Account Page

Congratulations! You should now be able to use Ant Media Server.

5. Enable SSL

Additionally, Ant Media Enterprise users can obtain a free sub domain and SSL certificate as detailed in this blog post.

To do so, simply run the following command that configures your instance with SSL:

 sudo /usr/local/antmedia/

easy install ssl 1
By running this script, you will be able to acquire a free sub domain and SSL certificate for your Ant Media Server Enterprise installation.

Please note that the availability and specifics of the free domain and SSL certificate may vary, so it’s recommended to refer to the official Ant Media documentation or contact support for more details on this process.

6. Start Using Ant Media Server

That’s it! You’ve now installed Ant Media Server effortlessly using just a few commands. No downloading any installation files or having to login to your Ant Media account to fetch the latest version.

Where Now?

 Explore the documentation or join the community discussions to learn more about the Ant Media Server.

Demos of Ant Media Server’s are available on the website and you can check out some of the popular SDKs in Github to integrate Ant Media Server into your mobile application.

Other deployment options include 1-click apps, cloud marketplaces, Docker/Kubernetes/Scripts on various cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean, Linode, and Alibaba.

A free trial is available to try out the Enterprise Edition of the product and support packages are available for both editions if you need some extra help getting started.


Categories: Tutorial

Murat Ugur

Murat is a Software Developer and a Technical Support Engineer at the same time at Ant Media. With a remarkable 15+ years in the IT domain, including 13 years dedicated to Linux System administration, Murat brings a wealth of experience to the table. His expertise is grounded in technologies like bash scripting, python, and puppet.

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