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“WebRTC streams scale in Ant Media Server?” This is the question we have been received lots of times. Finally, this is the time we can say “Yes” .  We have been working on 1.4 branch for a long time. There are significant improvements on performance, compatibility and infrastructure. In addition, we plan to have one or two subversions(1.4.x). in 1.4 branch after that 1.5.0 is coming.  Let me tell what the new things are in v1.4.1

WebRTC streams can Scale

Ant Media Server supports clustering for RTMP and HLS playback in version 1.3. Right now WebRTC streams can scale as well in the cluster.  Origin server can stream WebRTC streams to edge servers in the cluster and edge servers can stream WebRTC streams to clients.  One of the important point is that Ant Media Server transrates the incoming WebRTC or RTMP stream to multi-bitrates in Origin Server and stream multi-bitrate to edge servers so that WebRTC players receives the best quality according to their internet speed.

WebRTC Streams Scale Flow

WebSocket Performance

There are new WebSocket endpoint addresses due to performance limitation in previous implementation. No worry with the older endpoints, older websocket endpoints are still available in this version. On the other hand, it will be removed in v1.5

New endpoint address are like this


in secure format


As you see, there is no need to open additional ports(8081, 8082) in the firewall as in previous implementation. It uses HTTP(5080) and HTTPS(5443) ports.

Compatible with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, …

Ant Media Server is compatible with mobile and desktop browsers. It works on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge browsers. It works both on iOS and Android versions of the browsers as well. Thanks to H264 encoding. By the way, we should add that Ant Media Server can use NVIDIA GPU’s for transcoding. Take a look at the documentation for that.

WebRTC Streams Supported Most Popular Broswers

iOS and Android Native WebRTC SDK

iOS and Android Native WebRTC SDK’s are ready to let you develop your mobile WebRTC application. In addition, we provide Android and iOS SDK’s for free to annual users.

iOS and Android WebRTC Streams SDKWeb panel Improvements, Sync Issues, Viewer Statistics, etc.

There are also lots of minor improvements in Ant Media Server such as in web UI,  source code quality, bug fixes, etc. For instance, we use sonar cloud for static code and coverage analysis and use Travis and Gitlab for CI/CD. Each commit of Ant Media Server is tested for quality gate and CI/CD.Ant Media Server Software Quality for WebRTC Streams


For any questions about Ant Media Server, please feel free to contact us via




Categories: Announcement

Ahmet Oguz Mermerkaya

Oguz is the co-founder of Ant Media. His tech stack includes VxWorks, UML, Rhapsody in C++. Java, OSGi, Swing, JSF, Web, PHP, FFmpeg API, Native WebRTC, Java EE, Hibernate, Spring, MongoDB, MySQL, Angular, JavaScript, HTML5, Android (Native) and iOS (Native). Oguz is one of the writers of "Merhaba Android", one of the first books published in Turkey about Android app programming. His second book is about HTML5 & CSS3. He has attended several conferences and universities talking about Android, business life and technical issues. He is a member of the GDG Community and also the founder of GDG Ankara.

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