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WebRTC is a great technology for creating ultra-low latency interactive video applications. However, with most DIY technologies, scaling beyond 50,000 viewers or so is a challenge. You can use a WebRTC service provider to exceed these view counts but that gets expensive, and you lose flexibility.

One DIY alternative, the Ant Media Server, can deliver a sub0.5 second latency WebRTC experience to a six-figure audience for minimal cost. I recently participated in a simulated production with 150,000 viewers, and in this sponsored post, I’ll discuss the setup and
user experience.

In this guide, you will learn about how to scale up to 150K viewers with WebRTC in Auto Scalable Real-time Streaming with Ant Media Server.” Jan Ozer.

About the Author
Jan Ozer is a contributing editor to Streaming Media magazine and runs the Streaming Learning Center, where he produces courses like Streaming Media 101: Technical Onboarding for Streaming Professionals.

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About WebRTC Technology

WebRTC is a great technology for creating ultra-low latency interactive video applications but with most DIY technologies, scaling beyond 50,000 viewers is a challenge. Using a WebRTC service provider to exceed these view counts can be expensive and inflexible. One DIY alternative, the Ant Media Server, can deliver a sub-0.5 second latency WebRTC experience to a six-figure audience for minimal cost.

WebRTC Logo

About Ant Media Server

Ant Media Server is a real-time streaming software that provides adaptive, ultra-low latency streaming by using WebRTC technology with ~0.5 seconds latency. Ant Media Server is highly scalable both horizontally and vertically. It can run on-premise or on-cloud. Ant Media has a vast client portfolio in 120+ countries that include several industries and sectors such as education, gaming, broadcasting, auctioning, and surveillance. For more information about Ant Media Server, please contact us.

Figure 2: Ant Media Logo

If you’re looking to build a real-time streaming solution with adaptive bitrate streaming, ultra-low latency, and highly scalable features you can get started for free.

To learn further applications of Ant Media and partners you can check our Ross Video, Next Education, Antargyan, and Leap Gaming case studies.

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